The Willoughby Branch provides contracted work in house to companies that need piecework or large short and long term jobs completed in a timely manner. From shredding to assembly, mailings, sealing, packing and shipping, Willoughby Branch provides quality work at a competitive price. 

They also provide other ancillary services to not only improve the abilities of our individuals in employment, but also in the daily lives. 

Social Skills:  Individuals at the Willoughby Branch take part regularly in what some would consider parties but in reality are opportunities to practice social interactions in a safe environment. These social settings can include integration of community members, when allowed, such as local high school students, community leaders, and family members. The gatherings are usually themed around a holiday or a specific subject, also a teaching opportunity. Individuals with disabilities are always encouraged to engage with their community and take part in recreational activities and many are very active in sporting events, special Olympics, and karaoke.